
平日更新を目標に Unity や C#、Visual Studio、ReSharper などのゲーム開発アレコレを書いていきます


【Unity】ArgumentException: Can't save a Prefab instance

概要 PrefabUtility.SavePrefabAsset( prefab ); PrefabUtility.SavePrefabAsset でプレハブを保存しようとして ArgumentException: Can't save a Prefab instance 上記のエラーが発生する場合は PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset( prefab, prefabPath ); Pr…

【Unity】Calling OnPostBuildPlayerScriptDLLs callbacks. For faster build speeds, consider not using this callback, as we don't need to copy assemblies to the staging area for the incremental player build otherwise.

概要 Calling OnPostBuildPlayerScriptDLLs callbacks. For faster build speeds, consider not using this callback, as we don't need to copy assemblies to the staging area for the incremental player build otherwise. ビルド時に上記のログが出力さ…

【Unity】マウスカーソルの場所に Tooltip を表示できるエディタ拡張

リポジトリ 使用例 using Kogane; using UnityEditor; public static class Example { [MenuItem( "Assets/Hoge" )] public static void Hoge() { TooltipWindow.Open( "ピカチュウ" ); } }