
平日更新を目標に Unity や C#、Visual Studio、ReSharper などのゲーム開発アレコレを書いていきます


【Unity】No cloud project ID was found by the Analytics SDK.

概要 No cloud project ID was found by the Analytics SDK. This means Analytics events will not be sent. Please make sure to link your cloud project in the Unity editor to fix this problem. Unity 2018 で作られたプロジェクトを Unity 2022.1 に…

【Unity】NativeArray で Reverse を使えるようにする拡張メソッド

ソースコード using Unity.Collections; namespace Kogane { public static class NativeArrayExtensionMethods { public static void Reverse<T>( this NativeArray<T> self ) where T : unmanaged { var halfLength = self.Length / 2; var i = 0; var j = self.</t></t>…